Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Are our TV journalists unscrupulous?

TV viewers these days have access to a host of TV channels.There are many talk shows in TV channels on topics of interest and also on controversial topics.The moderator of these talk shows are reputed TV journalists.They interact with the guests and the distinguished panelists to elicit public opinion on national issues and matters of national importance.As responsible journalists they should bring to light the real facts about an issue.I had great opinion about TV journalists who moderate such shows.But the recent happenings in the 2G scam and revelation of tapped conversations between lobbyist Nira Radia and several journalists of reputed TV channels have shown them in bad light.It seems they are equally guilty of brokering deals with the powers that matter.How can a show by them be a guiding force for preparing a positive and constructive public opinion? Barka Dutt's and Vir Singhvi's connection with political parties and top industrialists of the country have come to light.These people have interviewed tainted politicians ,baeuracrats and others live on their screen. Will the concerned TV channels who employ them have the guts to interview  these journalists live on their channels about their involvment and deals with Radia? .Will they be able to grill them live on their TV as they do others?.Surprisingly these TV channels have not yet talked a word about them in their channels.Why the concerned journalists are not coming out in open in their own channels and make a statement?What prevents  them from doing it ?The revelations have also shown our reputed industrialists badly.why should they pay a lobbyist huge sums in crores?What was intended to be achieved through such transactions?What is the nexus between TV journalists and lobbyists?.Barka has chosen to defend her through her tweets after considerable delay.Her explanantion is  least convincing.

The tainted politicians have to face the heat of the opposition parties, court proceedings and the masses during their next electoral battle. But what about these tainted journalists?The concerned channels should expel them.Now it has come to light that lobbyists like Radia, apart from lobbying for her clients with politicians have tried to plant stories in channels and newspapers through journalists like Barka and Singhvi  favouring her clients.Until now it was believed,cabinet formation was the prerogative of the PM.But it appears cabinet berth and who gets what portfolio etc  are decided by lobbyists,TV journalists and industrialists.General public who give mandate to a party to govern the country had been taken for a ride by these unscrupulous forces.Survival of a government depends on these journalists and few industrialists.It is  a pity that renowned industrialists like Tata should take recourse to such dubious ways to achieve his ends. To avoid embarrassment Tata is now talking about legal action for divulging personal private conversations.The nation is not interested in his private affairs. But the nation must know the truth.The credibility of Indian news channels are at stake now.I still feel this s just a tip of the iceberg.There could be many more TV news journalists like this in all national channels including regional language channels.Many controversial deals could have been hidden from the public or on the contrary many trivial delas could have been blown out of proportion to suit their convenience and clients.The media and journalists are hand- in- glove with big corporate houses and corrupt politicians.Just as Tata  has used Radia to lobby for his company DMK has used Radia to get cabinet berths and portfolios of their choice.Journalists like Barka and Vir singhvi were go-between for the political parties and the lobbyists.It is also surprisng that when the entire oppostion is making big noise about the 2 G scam they have not talked anything about lobbying done for cabinet berths, although  they all know it is not ethical.

All these revelations point out one more important thing.These journalists were aware of what was happening.But they never talked about it in open.Once the transcripts involving them in the conversation with Radia has come out ,they have come out to defend themselves.This shows very clearly they were not responsible journalists.This is certainly not in keeping with accepted journalistic ethics.Whatever it is, the image of these journalists as champions of social justice has been shattered to pieces. What is more distressing is that the elite news channels have chosen to be silent on the involvment of TV journalists. They are not probing it any further as they do for other news coverage.All TV channels are corporates.The focus is on corporate profits,business interests and not on news coverage.Most news channels know the bias of the audience segment.So they skew the news coverage.This is how the TV news loses its credibility.Now I tend to beleive all the talk shows are also fixed.The way these people moderated talk shows one gets the impression they are beyond reproach. But the TV viewers have learnt a lesson now.Hence forth the Indian TV viewer would become skeptical when he watches such shows.Next time when a TV channel talks about moral high grounds the common public will know it is a sham.So far I believed all news channels telecast their perception of the news.But now I understand it is not even their perception.It is the perception of the TV anchors client.One thing is sure .Business,Politics and media always have a nexus.

TV anchors,journalists,politicians and lobbyists would now think twice before making a mobile phone conversation.One good fall out of this revelation is that the TV anchors can not create public opinion on the strength of their face value anymore.It has been now proved beyond doubt that these reputed TV anchors had vested interests and their news covergae were biased.TV channels should now try to rebuild their credibility among Indian viewers.It is defenitley going to be an uphill task.

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